Pengaturcaraan mikropengawal PIC/Mnemonik asas

Set arahan 12-bit PIC
Opkod (binari) Mnemonik Penerangan
0000 0000 0000 NOP No operation
0000 0000 0010 OPTION Load OPTION register with contents of W
0000 0000 0011 SLEEP Go into standby mode
0000 0000 0100 CLRWDT Reset watchdog timer
0000 0000 01ff TRIS f Move W to port control register (f=1..3)
0000 001 fffff MOVWF f Move W to f
0000 010 xxxxx CLRW Clear W to 0 (a.k.a CLR x,W)
0000 011 fffff CLRF f Clear f to 0 (a.k.a. CLR f,F)
0000 10d fffff SUBWF f,d Subtract W from f (d = f − W)
0000 11d fffff DECF f,d Decrement f (d = f − 1)
0001 00d fffff IORWF f,d Inclusive OR W with F (d = f OR W)
0001 01d fffff ANDWF f,d AND W with F (d = f AND W)
0001 10d fffff XORWF f,d Exclusive OR W with F (d = f XOR W)
0001 11d fffff ADDWF f,d Add W with F (d = f + W)
0010 00d fffff MOVF f,d Move F (d = f)
0010 01d fffff COMF f,d Complement f (d = NOT f)
0010 10d fffff INCF f,d Increment f (d = f + 1)
0010 11d fffff DECFSZ f,d Decrement f (d = f − 1) and skip if zero
0011 00d fffff RRF f,d Rotate right F (rotate right through carry)
0011 01d fffff RLF f,d Rotate left F (rotate left through carry)
0011 10d fffff SWAPF f,d Swap 4-bit halves of f (d = f<<4 | f>>4)
0011 11d fffff INCFSZ f,d Increment f (d = f + 1) and skip if zero
0100 bbb fffff BCF f,b Bit clear f (Clear bit b of f)
0101 bbb fffff BSF f,b Bit set f (Set bit b of f)
0110 bbb fffff BTFSC f,b Bit test f, skip if clear (Test bit b of f)
0111 bbb fffff BTFSS f,b Bit test f, skip if set (Test bit b of f)
1000 kkkkkkkk RETLW k Set W to k and return
1001 kkkkkkkk CALL k Save return address, load PC with k
101 kkkkkkkkk GOTO k Jump to address k (9 bits!)
1100 kkkkkkkk MOVLW k Move literal to W (W = k)
1101 kkkkkkkk IORLW k Inclusive or literal with W (W = k OR W)
1110 kkkkkkkk ANDLW k AND literal with W (W = k AND W)
1111 kkkkkkkk XORLW k Exclusive or literal with W (W = k XOR W)
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