Modul:Weather box/row

(Dilencongkan daripada Modue:Interlinear)

local math_mod = require('Module:Math')

local traceText local Value Value = { lang = mw.getContentLanguage(), getDisplay = function (self, second) if not self:isValid() then return nil end local display = self.string if display == 'trace' then if second then -- If a cell displays "cm (inch)", show "trace" not "trace (trace)". return nil end return traceText or 'trace' end if math.abs(self.number) >= 1000 then display = self.lang:formatNum(math.abs(self.number)) if self.number < 0 then display = '−' .. display end elseif self.number < 0 then display = '−' .. display:sub(2) end return display end, getPrecision = function (self) local result = rawget(self, 'precision') if not result then if self:isValid() then result = math.max(0, math_mod._precision(self.string)) else result = 0 end rawset(self, 'precision', result) end return result end, isValid = function (self) return self.number ~= nil and self.number ~= -9999 end, new = function (v) local val, str, precision if type(v) == 'string' then if v == 'trace' then val, str, precision = 0, 'trace', 0 else val, str = math_mod._cleanNumber(v) end elseif type(v) == 'number' then val, str = v, tostring(v) end if not val then val, str = -9999, end return setmetatable({ number = val, string = str, precision = precision, }, Value) end, converts = { in2cm = { factor = 2.54 }, in2mm = { factor = 25.4 }, cm2in = { factor = 1/2.54, p2max = 1 }, mm2in = { factor = 1/25.4, p2max = 0 }, }, setConvert = function (self, invalue, units) -- Use method modified from Module:Convert to determine precision. if invalue.string == 'trace' then self.number, self.string, self.precision = 0, 'trace', 0 return end local convert = self.converts[units] or error('Unknown units') local outnum = invalue.number * convert.factor local precision = invalue:getPrecision() if outnum > 0 then local adjust = math.log10(1/convert.factor) + math.log10(2) local p1 = math.floor(precision + adjust) local p2 = 1 - math.floor(math.log10(outnum)) if convert.p2max then p2 = math.min(p2, convert.p2max) end precision = math.max(p1, p2) end self:setNumberRounded(outnum, precision) end, setNumberRounded = function (self, number, precision) if precision > 2 then precision = 2 end self.number = math_mod._round(number, precision) if precision < 0 then self.string = tostring(self.number) else local fmt = '%.' .. string.format('%d', precision) .. 'f' self.string = string.format(fmt, self.number) end end, } Value.__index = Value

local function checkFlag(flag, default) if flag == nil then return default elseif type(flag) == 'boolean' then return flag elseif type(flag) == 'string' then flag = flag:lower() if flag == '0' or flag == 'false' or flag == or flag == 'no' or flag == 'n' then return false else return true end else return error('Flag type not valid') end end

local function makeLine(label, first_values, second_values, color_values) local result = {'|- style="text-align: center;"\n! scope="row" style="height: 16px;" | ', label, "\n"} for i = 1, 13 do local color_str = color_values[i] if i == 13 then table.insert(result, table.concat( {'|style="', color_str, ' border-left-width:medium" class="notheme"| '} )) else table.insert(result, table.concat( {'|style="', color_str, '" class="notheme"| '} )) end local display = first_values[i]:getDisplay() if display then table.insert(result, display) if second_values ~= nil then display = second_values[i]:getDisplay(true) if display then table.insert(result, "
(" .. display .. ")") end end else table.insert(result, '—') end table.insert(result, "\n") end return table.concat(result) end

local function getInputs(args, group_name, suffix, include_space) local month_names = { 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', 'year' } local str local values = {} if suffix == nil then for i, mon in ipairs(month_names) do if include_space then str = args[ mon .. ' ' .. group_name ] or else str = args[ mon .. group_name ] or end values[i] = end else for i, mon in ipairs(month_names) do local value, updated for var, suf in ipairs(suffix) do if include_space then str = args[ mon .. ' ' .. group_name .. ' ' .. suf ] else str = args[ mon .. group_name .. ' ' .. suf ] end if str ~= nil and str ~= then value = value.variant = var updated = true break end end if not updated then value = value.variant = 0 end values[i] = value end end return values end

local function getAnnualValue(values, mode) if mode == 'avg' or mode == 'sum' then local total = 0 local p1, p2, variant p1 = 0 for i = 1, 12 do if not values[i]:isValid() then return end if not variant then local var = values[i].variant if var and var ~= 0 then variant = var end end p2 = values[i]:getPrecision() if p2 > p1 then p1 = p2 end total = total + values[i].number end local value = if mode == 'avg' then value:setNumberRounded(total / 12, p1) end value.variant = variant return value elseif mode == 'min' then local target for i = 1, 12 do if values[i]:isValid() then if target == nil or values[i].number < target.number then target = values[i] end end end return target or elseif mode == 'max' then local target for i = 1, 12 do if values[i]:isValid() then if target == nil or values[i].number > target.number then target = values[i] end end end return target or else error('Unrecognized Annual Mode') end end

local function reconcileTemperature(C_values, F_values) for i = 1, 13 do local p if C_values[i].string == then if F_values[i]:isValid() then p = F_values[i]:getPrecision() C_values[i]:setNumberRounded((F_values[i].number - 32)*5/9, p) end elseif F_values[i].string == then if C_values[i]:isValid() then p = C_values[i]:getPrecision() F_values[i]:setNumberRounded(C_values[i].number*9/5 + 32, p) end end end end

local function reconcilePrecipitation(M_values, I_values, prefer_cm) local v_class = 0 for i = 1, 13 do if M_values[i].variant == 1 then v_class = 1 elseif M_values[i].variant == 2 then v_class = 2 end end if v_class == 0 then if prefer_cm then v_class = 1 else v_class = 2 end end for i = 1, 13 do local units if M_values[i].string == then if I_values[i]:isValid() then if v_class == 1 then units = 'in2cm' else units = 'in2mm' end M_values[i]:setConvert(I_values[i], units) M_values[i].variant = v_class end elseif I_values[i].string == then if M_values[i]:isValid() then if M_values[i].variant == 1 then units = 'cm2in' else units = 'mm2in' end I_values[i]:setConvert(M_values[i], units) end end end end

local function _buildRow(definition, args, options) options = options or {} local wbc = require('Module:Weather box/colors' .. (options.sandbox or )) local mode = (definition.mode or 'basic'):lower() local group_name = definition.group_name local first_values, second_values local color_values local color_scheme = definition.color_scheme or 't' local scale_factor = math_mod._cleanNumber(definition.scale_factor) or 1 local date_mode = checkFlag(definition.date_mode, false) local label = definition.label or local annual_mode = (definition.annual_mode or 'avg'):lower() local include_space = checkFlag(definition.include_space, true) local second_line = checkFlag(definition.second_line, false) local prefer_cm = checkFlag(definition.prefer_cm, false) local imperial_first = checkFlag(args['imperial first']) local metric_first = checkFlag(args['metric first']) local wantSingleLine = options.wantSingleLine or checkFlag(args['single line']) local trace = args.trace if trace and trace ~= then traceText = trace end if imperial_first == nil then imperial_first = metric_first == nil and true or not metric_first end if mode == 'basic' then first_values = getInputs(args, group_name, nil, include_space) second_values = nil elseif mode == 'temperature' then first_values = getInputs(args, group_name, {'C'}, include_space) second_values = getInputs(args, group_name, {'F'}, include_space) reconcileTemperature(first_values, second_values) elseif mode == "precipitation" then first_values = getInputs(args, group_name, {'cm', 'mm'}, include_space) second_values = getInputs(args, group_name, {'inch'}, include_space) reconcilePrecipitation(first_values, second_values, prefer_cm) else error('Requested mode not recognized') end local good = false for i = 1, 13 do if first_values[i].string ~= then good = true break end end if not good then return end if first_values[13].string == then first_values[13] = getAnnualValue(first_values, annual_mode) end if second_values ~= nil then if second_values[13].string == then second_values[13] = getAnnualValue(second_values, annual_mode) end end color_scheme = wbc.interpret_color_code(color_scheme) color_values = {} local month_adj = { 31/30, 28.25/30, 31/30, 1, 31/30, 1, 31/30, 31/30, 1, 31/30, 1, 31/30, 365.25/30 } for i = 1, 13 do if first_values[i]:isValid() then local adj = scale_factor if date_mode then adj = adj / month_adj[i] end if mode == "precipitation" then if first_values[i].variant == 1 then adj = adj * 10 end end table.insert(color_values, color_scheme(first_values[i].number * adj)) else table.insert(color_values, color_scheme(nil)) end end if imperial_first and second_values ~= nil then first_values, second_values = second_values, first_values end if not wantSingleLine then if second_line and second_values ~= nil then first_values = second_values end second_values = nil end return makeLine(label, first_values, second_values, color_values) end

local function buildRow(frame) return _buildRow(frame.args, frame:getParent().args) -- row definition, template parameters end

return { buildRow = buildRow, _buildRow = _buildRow, }